Sunday, July 25, 2010

PiXeeeelLLLLLL 1.0

Salam.. hem last week ako ade bukak blog senior ako and ako dpt inspiration dari die.. die letak satu gambo paling die suke dalam satu hari die tangkap.. memandangkan ako pon dah start minat dlm photography nie and ako pon dh ade satu DSLR.. ako rse ako patut praktis kan ape yg senior ako nie buat.. ini actually leh brush up ako nye skill dalam photography.. thanx mat isnin sebab memberi ako idea.. bak kate die camera takyah power2 sgt.. ape yg penting training dulu ngan ape yg ade.. so this is my first selected picture of the day..

this picture taken at my factory just outside the plant that i am working at.. actually this picture never been edited.. its a raw picture taken a month ago.. its happen that i brought my DSLR that day.. i just came out from the very cold environment plant and pop up my lens cover and snap the picture. and wallahhhh, it gave the hazy effect.. i took the picture with ISO 200, focal length of 35mm and very slow shutter speed of 1/4000 and at aperture f/4.5..

actually the were story behind this tree. 1st underneath the tree there was a abandon coal mining tunnel which is spooooookkkkyyyyyyyy.. hahahaha.. there is also a myth that the tree have its own occupant.. the tree do gave u the unease feeling when you come near it.. haha.. so folks this is my first picture uploaded.. hehehe...

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